With kind regards,
Contact details:
At BUSINESS SPOT OFFICES, we consider a good relationship, cooperation, and mutual understanding with and between tenants to be important. With the many shared spaces, it is essential that everyone knows what to expect. Therefore, we have noted down practical matters, procedures, and general rules in this house rules document.
If adjustments or additions are made, you will be informed via our newsletter.
With kind regards,
Contact details:
M | 06-24973680
E | Kyara.hofman@bs-offices.com
Present Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
M | 06-48 36 43 15
E | receptie.rijswijk@thelobbyoffices.com
Present Monday - Friday 09:00 – 17:00
T| 020 – 737 2828
E| Finance@bs-offices.com
Present Tuesday - Friday 10:00 – 17:00
M | 06-51 88 00 86
E | Laurens.van.zeggeren@bs-offices.com
* Not always on location
Subjects A-Z
Upon entering the building, to the left near the reception, there is an AED next to the key safe.
Alcohol / Smoking / Drugs:
Consumption of alcohol is allowed for social use (that is, in moderation).
Business Spot is completely smoke-free (including e-cigarettes!). Smoking is only allowed at the designated areas (smoking pole next to the main entrance of The Lobby). We kindly request that you dispose your cigarettes in the smoking pole and not discard them at the door. It is strictly forbidden to smoke inside, on the roof and in the parking garage.
A fine of 100 euros will be imposed for smoking violations. In the case of repeated offenses, the landlord is entitled to terminate the contract.
It is prohibited to bring, sell, buy, or to be under the influence of hard and softdrugs within the building.
It is forbidden to throw objects out of the window or from the balcony onto the roof of the Atrium.
Bicycle Storage:
The Lobby has its own enclosed bicycle storage. The entrance to the bicycle storage is located at the front right side of the building. The door can be opened via Office Manager.
There are a limited number of charging points available for electric bicycles. Preferably, do not park non-electric bicycles in these spots.
Scooters must use the main entrance (where cars also pass, located on the left side of the building).
Bicycles or scooters parked for more than 7 consecutive days will be removed.
(see also key tag).
Business Spot has seven boardrooms (Forrest, Lego, Miami Vice, Gatsby, Black & Orange, Royal Blue, and The Lodge).
Boardrooms are intended for meetings within your team.
Boardrooms are not meant for internal weekly meetings, lunch, dinner, or as a location for drinks or commercial exploitation.
Boardrooms are not intended for individual use. For this, you can use the phone booths.
The boardroom is available to you for the agreed, reserved time.
Ensure that you end the meeting on time so that another tenant can start their meeting at the reserved time slot.
Leave the boardrooms tidy and make sure no cups or other items are left behind.
Boardrooms can be booked via the platform Officemanager. For more information, you can contact the Community Manager.
As a tenant, you can use one of the seven boardrooms at Business Spot and one of the two boardrooms at The Lobby without any costs, depending on availability. We aim to achieve a reasonable distribution of the available spaces among the tenants through mutual agreement. Tenants can reserve boardrooms themselves via Office Manager. The receptionist should not be approached for this.
Catering in the boardroom is available on request. In case you are interested please contact Veridius.
If there is a need for a larger space and/or a different setup (event/meeting/dinner) with or without catering, this can be discussed with the Community Manager.
Building Access:
The building, parking garage, and bicycle storage are accessible to tenants seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Each tenant is required to meet their guests at the entrance/reception and accompany them to the exit after their visit (unless otherwise arranged with reception). Outside of the manned opening hours, access to the premises is possible via the key tag or the tenant portal “Office Manager”. Depending on authorization, this also applies to the parking garage and bicycle storage. At the ramp on the right side of the building, there is a pillar with a tag reader. Passing the key tag from top to bottom along the tag reader will turn the light green and emit a short sound signal, after which the doors will open. To reopen the doors from the inside, use the white switch on the left side. The ramp is intended for the use of wheelchairs and/or strollers and also serves as the entrance to the bicycle storage.
The doors at the front entrance of the building automatically open between 07:30 – 17:00. Outside these hours, access must be gained using the key tag or Office Manager. The tag reader is located on the right side of the entrance.
The parking garage can only be entered and exited using license plate recognition.
If issues arise with using Office Manager, please contact the Community Manager.
Building Opening Hours:
The Lobby is open from Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 17:00 o’clock. Outside these hours, access to the building is available 24/7 using the key tag. There is a manned reception during the above-mentioned opening hours.
Camera Surveillance:
Business Spot uses 24-hour camera surveillance in public areas. Footage can only be requested by/via the police.
For catering, the catering company Veridius is at your disposal. When holding an event and using external catering, the space must be left neat and clean, including the common kitchens. In The Lobby and the common areas of The Lobby, cooperation with an external caterer is only allowed after consultation with and approval from the location manager.
Please report complaints about our services via email to the manager. Tenant comments (both positive and negative) are an important source of information for potential improvement of the Business Spot concept. We are always open to improving the concept, although we cannot promise to implement all suggestions.
By signing the lease contract, you have agreed to these house rules. Non-compliance with the house rules may result in the termination of the leasecontract as an ultimate consequence.
Damage and Theft:
In case of theft of Business Spot property, a report will be filed with the police.
In the event of damage to or theft of property within Business Spot, a damage claim will be filed against the person who caused the damage or committed the theft, or who can be held responsible for it. Business Spot cannot be held liable for theft or damage to your personal belongings. Business Spot advises against leaving personal belongings unattended or in the office’s public areas. Business Spot recommends that all tenants take out insurance against potential theft/damage.
Disturbance / Nuisance:
We strongly request you to respect other tenants of Business Spot by avoiding causing any (noise) disturbance. See also: Philosophy of Business Spot.
Dogs are welcome at The Lobby and Business Spot as long as they do not cause disturbance to other guests and tenants (please inquire with the location manager of the respective site).
Dogs must be leashed at all times in public areas and should minimize presence in common areas such as the lobby, elevators, and corridors. Dogs are not allowed in the restaurant, kitchens, boardrooms, or fitness room.
The Lobby and Business Spot limit pet allowance to dogs only.
Dress Code:
At Business Spot, you are expected to dress appropriately: smart casual/business wear. Wearing tracksuits/jogging suits/hats within Business Spot are not allowed.
Electric Charging Stations:
The Lobby provides charging points for general use. You can start (and stop) a charging session at these stations with any standard charging card, identifiable by The Lobby logo on the display.
Please make the charging point available again once your car is sufficiently charged, to optimize use of the charging stations.
Emergency Response (BHV):
Each tenant is required to arrange an emergency response (BHV) employee. Every tenant must have one or more employees with a BHV diploma. Business Spot is not responsible for this. You can register the BHV employee with the Community Manager via email.
Emergency Staircase:
The stairwell must always be free of obstacles: in case of fire and/or evacuation, it serves as an escape route.
Evacuation Plan:
Refer to the attached document.
Events can be organized in the various boardrooms of Business Spot, or The Lobby. If you are interested in organizing an event, you can submit a written request to the Community Manager. Please note that these must be work-related events, not private events.
Filming and Photography:
It is only allowed to take and publish photos/films and other visual material of boardrooms and public areas after consultation and written permission from the manager of Business Spot.
Fire Alarm:
Every contact person will be notified well in advance about the testing of The Lobby’s fire alarm system. We aim to conduct this testing before opening hours, but we cannot guarantee this as we are dependent on a third party. If the test occurs during office hours, it may cause some inconvenience.
Read regularly the evacuation plan (attached to this document). Be mindful of your duty of care as an employer regarding the evacuation of, for example, disabled employees. Inform your employees about the procedures in case of fire and periodically practice the evacuation.
In the event of an evacuation, the receptionist must be notified immediately. Follow the instructions of The Lobby team and/or the fire department. Absolutely do not use the elevators! Check outside the building to ensure that none of your colleagues have been left behind.
The office is furnished by Business Spot. Upon signing the lease agreement, the tenant receives an inventory list of all items placed by Business Spot in the leased office.
It is not permitted to remove inventory from the leased office or take anything without written permission from Business Spot.
All repair work necessary due to normal wear and tear of the inventory is the responsibility of Business Spot. Care must be taken with the desktop. If visible scratches are found on the desktop, it will be replaced, and the costs will be borne by the tenant.
During the rental period, the tenant shall ensure that the inventory is maintained in good condition. All repair work on the inventory that is necessary due to incorrect use, negligence, serious neglect, uncleanliness, pets, or rough handling by the tenant or persons for whom they are responsible, shall be the responsibility of the tenant.
Damage to the inventory occurring during the rental period must be reported to Business Spot within 7 days of the damage occurring. If the tenant fails to report the damage, Business Spot will hold the tenant responsible for the damage.
There is a fitness room on the first floor equipped with the most common fitness equipment and two shower cabinets.
The fitness room is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Outside the opening hours, access to the building and thus the fitness room is possible with a special key tag.
Everyone is requested to use the fitness room properly: use equipment for its intended purpose, return/put away after use, and leave the shower rooms clean and tidy.
The fitness room is only accessible to tenants of The Lobby / Business Spot (see also building access).
A clean working space is a pleasant workspace, so we ask everyone to contribute to keeping all “public areas” clean. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the hallways, social spaces, and meeting rooms clean and tidy.
Invoices & Finances:
Rent must be paid before the start of the respective month.
Invoices for any pass-through charges must be paid immediately.
For questions about an invoice or other financial settlements, you can contact the financial administration.
Key Declaration:
Upon receiving a key tag, the individual employee of the respective tenant must sign a key declaration. This is to transfer ownership of the key tag and to declare that the recipient will use and manage the key tag responsibly.
(see also key tag, building access)
Key Tag:
A key tag is a special key that allows access to the building outside of opening hours, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The receptionist is responsible for issuing and managing the key tags. He/she is the primary point of contact for questions and comments regarding this matter.
(see also key tag, key declaration, building opening hours)
In addition to key tags, tenants can also use the “Office Manager” tenant portal to open doors at The Lobby and Business Spot. It is optional for tenants to additionally purchase key tags at an additional cost. Each key tag is individually authorized. It is not permitted to pass a tag on to third parties. Depending on the agreement, the key tag can be used for access to the building, the parking garage, and/or the bicycle storage. Upon issuance, the tenant signs a key declaration. Loss of a key tag must be reported immediately to the receptionist. Depending on the situation, the deposit will be withheld or a fine imposed. A new tag costs €16,50.
(see also reception, key declaration, building access)
The kitchen is a shared space, and we kindly request everyone to consider their fellow tenants.
Please note the following:
-Tenants are responsible for loading and unloading the dishwasher.
-It is possible to use your own brought crockery, etc., provided you take this crockery back to your own office after use.
-After using the oven/microwave, clean the inside as necessary with a cloth.
-Take products from the refrigerator home or throw them away at the end of the week – Friday. Fresh products not stored in a sealed package will be removed and thrown away (immediately) by us.
-It is not allowed to leave personal kitchen appliances in the kitchen.
-Take these appliances back to your own office after use.
-All tenants may use kitchen cabinets.
-If you want to leave something in them: in a sealed container with your name on it.
It is the tenant’s responsibility to return crockery from the company restaurant to the appropriate location.
Business Spot is not liable/responsible for theft of the property of tenants, their employees, and their guests. Business Spot advises all tenants to arrange insurance themselves against possible theft/damage and, if necessary, to install security cameras in the rented office. Any damage to an office and/or public space must be reported immediately to the manager or reception.
The central meeting hall on the ground floor is the lobby, from which the officeconcept derives its name. The space is designed for networking with other tenants, relaxation, enjoying a cup of coffee, and holding meetings with a limited number of colleagues and/or business associates. It is not permitted to use this space for commercial purposes.
Lost and Found:
All items found within Business Spot must be handed to the receptionist. The reception will make every effort to return the found item to its rightful owner.
Mail and Package Service:
Each tenant receives a mailbox key at check-in. The mailboxes correspond to the unit numbers of the leased spaces. It is not permitted to create an extra mailbox key without written permission from the manager.
Daily mail is delivered to the general Business Spot mailbox. The receptionist empties this mailbox daily around 12:00 and distributes the mail in the designated mailboxes opposite the reception.
In addition to regular business mail, The Lobby offers its tenants the service of using the work address for receiving packages. The receptionist will notify you by phone upon receipt of such a package, provided the name and company name of the sender are indicated on the address label. If possible to deliver the package to your office, we will do so.
A tenant must take measures to prevent damage to Business Spot or The Lobby properties during the move and to remove any leftover packaging materials afterward. The tenant must ensure that other tenants and visitors of Business Spot are not disturbed during the move and/or transportation. The tenant is obligated to coordinate moving and transportation with Business Spot.
We send out a newsletter via Office Manager on the second Tuesday of each month, containing all pertinent information for Business Spot tenants.
Tenants are responsible for registering their employees for the newsletter via Office Manager.
Parking / Garage:
The Lobby has its own underground parking garage. Upon entering into the lease agreement, it is agreed whether and if so, how many parking spaces are reserved.
Business spot does not offer guest parking spaces. Visitors are free to park in front of the building with a maximum of two hours. Across the street from the building, there is a parking garage where visitors can park at an hourly rate.
Philosophy of Business Spot:
We believe in the success of collaboration and therefore find it important that the various tenants and employees within the building interact with each other in a positive, enjoyable, respectful, and inspiring manner. We ask our tenants to be aware of this mentality and act accordingly.
Phone Calls / Digital Meetings:
When using the phone, please consider the other tenants of the building. This is especially important in public areas such as hallways, staircases, pantries, and other common areas. It is not allowed to Skype or Zoom via the speakers of your laptop or phone. If you want to use the speakers, please use a phone booth.
Tenants may not speak on behalf of Business Spot without prior consultation and permission from the manager. Requests for interviews regarding Business Spot can be made through the manager.
See also: filming and photography
Out of paper? Don’t panic, you can contact the Office & Community Manager during working hours for additional paper. Faults can be reported to Business Spot. We aim to resolve the issue within 24 hours. Tenants are free to install their own printer.
Public Areas:
All square meters not directly part of the rented workspace are defined as public areas. This includes pathways, fitness rooms, boardrooms, the entire central hall on the ground floor, toilet facilities, among others. The public areas may not be used for purposes other than their intended use and serve as the “business card” of the premises.
As a tenant, it is not permitted in the public areas to:
– Move and/or take items to another location.
– Use, remove, or disable the sound system.
– Place, leave, or transport vehicles, motorcycles (with or without engines), trash bins/garbage bags, or other objects.
– Use the space for commercial activities unless approved by the landlord.
The reception is located immediately after the entrance on the ground floor. Here, the receptionist welcomes visitors.
For matters such as mail and package service and registering visitors, the receptionist is the primary point of contact. Additionally, the receptionist is responsible for issuing and managing the key tags.
The reception is manned from Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.
(see also key tag)
Rented Space:
The rented space is only intended for deskwork activities.
The following are prohibited:
Using the rented space for public commercial sales (retail function).
Affixing or placing boards, letters, paintings, telephony and television equipment, antennas, advertising for oneself or others of any kind on/in or in visible places outside the rented space without written permission from Business Spot. The only exception is placing your company logo on the office door with written permission from Business Spot.
Installing sun blinds or other blinds/shutters on the outside or inside of the rented space.
Using the space for storage or as a showroom for goods.
Performing work on electrical installations within the rented space(s) without permission.
Hanging art and other decorations is only permitted using the special hanging system. Before hanging anything on the wall or ceiling, written approval must be obtained via receptionist email. The receptionist can also arrange assistance if needed.
The tenant is obligated to return the rented space to its original condition as found at the beginning of the lease contract upon its expiration.
Business Spot has access to the rented offices at all times for maintenance work and cleaning.
On the ground floor, you will find the restaurant “Veridius”. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and possibly dinner. Catering needs can also be handled by “Veridius”. The restaurant is accessible after office hours via the exterior entrance. This entrance also serves non-tenants (see also catering). For more information, please contact:
Email: info@veridius.nl or Mobile: 06 41 36 35 92
It is not allowed to access the roof.
It is not permitted to display an image/logo advertisement in the public areas of Business Spot or apply an image/logo/advertisement directed at The Lobby building surroundings. Tenants may display their logo (in a format and material determined by Business Spot) on the entrance door of their office. In the near future, their presence in the building will be visible on the tenant wall on the ground floor.
Technical Issues:
Technical issues can be reported to the Community Manager via Office Manager.
Technical Rooms:
It is not permitted to enter technical rooms (e.g., central heating, for elevators, and server installations) without explicit permission from the landlord.
To keep everyone satisfied, we urge you to leave the toilets clean after use. Please avoid using more toilet paper than necessary to prevent unnecessary blockages. Toilet rolls should not be disposed of in the toilet; we have trash bins for this purpose within the restroom.
Each tenant of Business Spot is responsible for his/her guests. Guests must report to the reception upon arrival. Each tenant is required to pick up their guests at the entrance/reception and accompany them to the exit after the visit (unless otherwise agreed with the reception).
Waste Management:
Residual waste, cardboard/paper, and glass must be separated!
You are expected to collect the residual waste yourself and deposit it at the designated waste bins in the expedition area. If you cannot find these bins, please inquire at the reception.
If you wish to dispose of other waste, such as bulky waste, you must arrange this yourself.
Business Spot will issue a written warning to the tenant for violations of the house rules but reserves the right to deny access to the building and/or terminate the leasecontract in case of repeated or severe violations.